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Various Payment Transaction Services for Banks and Financial Institutions, BERSAMA presents to you

Building Partners Together

Building Partners Together

Enjoy various benefits by joining us as a Partner.

Building Partners Together
ATM Bersama

ATM Bersama

Various transaction solutions between institutions through ATM Bersama switching network such as ATM transactions, GPN Debit, QRIS, and Cross Border transactions.

ATM Bersama
ATM Bersama

Inter-institutional transaction convenience for cash withdrawal, transfer, and balance inquiry services.

ATM Bersama Debit
ATM Bersama Debit

Debit payment transactions that are integrated with GPN debit.

ATM Bersama Crossborder
ATM Bersama Crossborder

A solution to the need for cash withdrawal transactions in Asia Pacific countries.

ATM Bersama Debit Online (B-Secure)
ATM Bersama Debit Online (B-Secure)

Domestic authentication system for online payment transaction solutions.

ATM Bersama QR
ATM Bersama QR

QR Code-based payment method solution integrated with QRIS.

Bersama Payment

Bersama Payment

Provide a variety of payment methods for your customers such as Online Payment, Virtual Account, and electronic money top-ups.

Bersama Billing
Bersama Billing

Online payment with various billers and collecting agents for the convenience of your customers' transactions wherever they are.

Bersama Top Up
Bersama Top Up

Electronic money top up payment solution for billers and Collecting Agents.

Bersama VA Bank
Bersama VA Bank

Payment service solution through bank virtual account.

Bersama H2H Bank
Bersama H2H Bank

Payment services that are directly connected to the Bank.

Managed Service

Managed Service

One stop solution channel for various secure & convenient payment transactions according to your business needs.

Managed Service Channel
Managed Service Channel

Provision of various end to end delivery channel services such as Smart EDC, ATM terminals, KIOSK, SMS Banking, Internet Banking to Direct Debit.

Managed Service Acquiring
Managed Service Acquiring

One Stop Access to connect with various payment methods.

Managed Service Issuing
Managed Service Issuing

Issuing services for your customers' convenience such as electronic money to connect with global principals such as Master Card, VISA and JCB.

Managed Service Switching
Managed Service Switching

Artajasa provides customers with system & infrastructure requirements for payment transactions.

Managed Service Infra Pembayaran
Managed Service Infra Pembayaran

Artajasa offers comprehensive infrastructure management of hardware and applications for customers.

Sistem Integrator
Sistem Integrator

Provision of premium SMS push and SMS Pull services according to customer needs.

Settlement Service

Settlement Service

Easier Fund Settlement with various fund transfer options from Artajasa.


Enjoy the service of sending funds to many accounts throughout Indonesia at once in real time.

Bersama Loyalty

Bersama Loyalty

Provide a Loyalty System with Easy Integration for Your Loyal Customers

Bersama Loyalty Program
Bersama Loyalty Program

Increase revenue through loyalty programs for your customers.

Sertifikasi Perangkat

Sertifikasi Perangkat

Transaction security level by pocketing NSICCS certification in accordance with Bank Indonesia regulations.

Sertifikasi Perangkat
Sertifikasi Perangkat

Artajasa provides NSICCS certification lab for chip cards.
