Home / Solution / Managed Service Channel / Direct Debit
Provision of various end to end delivery channel services such as Smart EDC, ATM terminals, KIOSK, SMS Banking, Internet Banking to Direct Debit.
What is Direct Debit?
The high interest in online payments makes a good opportunity for banks to provide this service. Customers will find it easier to make bill payments by giving their consent to the Bank to make payments for their obligations.
Layanan Direct Debit
An Artajasa service operated by the Bank, which allows customers to authorize the debiting of funds from the customer's account, for the purpose of periodic and automatic bill payments.
Scope of Service:
Provision of applications, features, communication networks, and switching to billers. Training, Helpdesk, monitoring and reporting.
Facilitate the bill payment process Maintain the timeliness of bill payments As one of the optional facilities or features that will be provided to Bank customers.

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