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Issuing services for your customers' convenience such as electronic money to connect with global principals such as Master Card, VISA and JCB.
What is Third Party Card Management?
Artajasa can assist Banks in providing card management and operations in running a proper credit card business for Issuers. This service allows Issuers to conduct transactions internationally and domestically, and has been connected with various International Principals.
Third Party Card Management Service
Third Party Card Management (TPCM) is a service solution that provides card management and operations in running a credit card business that is suitable for Issuers. Artajasa has connected with various International Principals such as VISA, MasterCard, and JCB, enabling Issuers to accept transactions and payments from both overseas and domestic.
Benefits of Using TPCM
- Cost efficiency in system development and daily operations
- Cost efficiency in human resources allocation
- Customer data is stored securely because the data remains on the side of the issuer
- Issuer can focus on doing business related activities only
- Flexible module parameters that can be adjusted to the needs of each issuer
- Issuer works directly with Principal International (VISA, Mastercard, JCB)
Service Excellence Third Party Card Management
- Meet the needs of Indonesia's credit card business both Conventional and Sharia
- Service fee mechanism based on card growth
- Speed in implementing and live system
- Using Card Management System modules that already meet international standards and are popular among Credit Card Industry players
- Involving a team of experienced professionals in the Indonesian credit card business
- Wide range of Acceptances for all types of retail transactions (EDC, ATM, E-Commerce, Internet Banking, Mobile Apps, etc.)
- Supported by a system that accommodates consumer business activities from the customer on boarding process to the dispute process and annual compliances from Principal International.

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